28/03/2012 14:18


Facebook is not closing your session locations, when you log off. This is causing FB to run extremely slow, and games to crash. In order to fix, you have to manually end activity on your sessions.

  • Click Account on your Home Page (click the down arrow next to Home Botton to get to Account.
  • Go to Account Settings
  • Go to  Security (Yellow Badge on the left side of the page marked Security)
  • Go to  Active Sessions and click Edit. 
  • Once your on the security page, it will tell you how many sessions you have open.
  • End all sessions but current one. It will tell you when the session was last opened and which is current.

You will see you are logged in from different places than where you live, this is FB not to worry. 

Happy Farming 


TnT Admin Team

